Potential duplication of Deva Curl Wash Day Wonder Pre-Cleanse Slip Detangler (part four) – reviewing the extracts

Welcome back to what’s quickly becoming a series on this Deva Curl Wash Day Wonder Pre-Cleanse Slip Detangler. Part one – Obtaining the ingredient list, then reviewing it Part two – Figuring out what’s necessary in the formula, then finding the 1% or lower part of the ingredient list. Then we took a detour to...

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Potential duplication of Deva Curl Wash Day Wonder Pre-Cleanse Slip Detangler (part three) – the first formula

Welcome back to what’s quickly becoming a series on this Deva Curl Wash Day Wonder Pre-Cleanse Slip Detangler! Part one – Obtaining the ingredient list, then reviewing it Part two – Figuring out what’s necessary in the formula, then finding the 1% or lower part of the ingredient list. Then we took a detour to...

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Potential duplication of Deva Curl Wash Day Wonder Pre-Cleanse Slip Detangler (part two)

Welcome back to what’s quickly becoming a series on this Deva Curl Wash Day Wonder Pre-Cleanse Slip Detangler. You can find part one of the series by clicking here. When I duplicate products, I follow this process! Step one: Obtain a complete ingredient list. This one is from the company’s official page. Ingredient list: Water...

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Potential duplication of Deva Curl Wash Day Wonder Pre-Cleanse Slip Detangler (part one)

You asked for it – okay, technically Shrine of 22s requested this in the February duplication request post – so let’s take a look at what this product is all about! Shrine of 22s’s comments: Definitely would love to duplicate the Deva Curl Wash Day Wonder Pre-Cleanse Slip Detangler. It cuts down my wash day...

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Blast from the past: Making Lush’s Ro’s Argan Body Conditioner and other Shower Smoothies

In March 2017, I was asked to create a duplication of Lush’s Ro’s Argan Body Conditioner, a lotion we apply, then rinse, in the shower. Despite the name, these Shower Smoothies aren’t positively charged (cationic) conditioners at all – the original version uses a negatively charged (anionic) soap called TEA stearate, made by reacting stearic...

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