Sigh, not again: Ethereal Galore has plagiarized our Learn Cosmetic Formulation course!

It’s come to our attention that a company called Ethereal Galore has plagiarized our free Learn Cosmetic Formulation course, created by Jane Barber of Making Skincare, Perry Romanowski of Chemists’ Corner, and me, Swift. As you can see in these screenshots, she’s taken our lessons, our formulas, our photos, and even the names of each module we created, selling access to it as part of a package that costs $121 Cdn.

*The “not again” part refers to plagiarism in general, not this company, but who knows, honestly?

If you’re a formulator, you might want to check out her site and account on Instagram to ensure she isn’t selling any of your work without permission.

If you’re a customer, you might want to get a refund on that course ASAP as you can access the one, the only, the original Learn Cosmetic Formulation course for absolutely free!

Learn Cosmetic Formulation is a free beginners’ introduction cosmetic chemistry course offered by Perry Romanowski of Chemists’ Corner, Jane Barber of Making Skincare, and Susan Barclay Nichols of SwiftCraftyMonkey. You can find us at @learncosmeticformulation on Instagram, Learn Cosmetic Formulation on Facebook, or online.