Some admin stuff for the blog: Pausing the mailing lists and why we don’t accept any advertising of any sort

After giving it some serious thought, we’ve decided to pause the mailing lists/digests that alert you to new posts on the blog as less than a handful of people are really using it, and it causes us an absolute fortune every month for very little service.

As you know, your monthly subscriptions and sales of e-books are all we need to keep this blog a’running, and we’ve never accept and will never accept ads, sponsored posts, banner ads, affiliate links,  pop ups, and other general advertising here on the site. They’re annoying as heck, they clutter up the screen, you can’t control what they’re selling. (I don’t care how cute your site is, seeing a giant toenail with fungus will put anyone off a gorgeous whipped butter.) I hate that someone might think I’m sharing an ingredient or piece of equipment because I’m being paid to say it, and your trust in me is so incredibly important to me. On top of all this nonsense, they can put trackers on you! Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope! You won’t see ads around here!

If you’d like to know more about my relationships with suppliers and such, please click here.

Just so you know, when it comes to your personal information, we don’t use it for anything other than your account on this site. We don’t share anything with any other person or company. We only use it so you can log in, see your purchases, and enjoy the site.

Thank you for continuing to join us here!