Updates about the e-zine and more! 

Hi everyone! I thought I’d share a little update with you here. I’m afraid I’ve been a bit under the weather this month. I went to Calgary to teach and spend time with my lovely friends, Michele and Keith, but I think I pushed myself a little harder than I should, and instead of resting when I came home, I jumped back into writing. I’ve also resumed teaching at Voyageur Soap & Candle one day a week, which is so much fun, but pretty brutal on my body as I find it hard to sit down and stay still.

I’m terrible at finding a good work-life balance as I love what I do so much, so that’s my challenge today, next week, and next year. I’ve had two bouts of what feels like the flu – I won’t go into detail as it’s gross – which is a sign I’m pushing myself way too much. (I’ve been thinking about this a lot, and will have more to share on this shortly…)

I shared the new e-zine today – My favourite class formulas – and I’m really happy with it! I love teaching, and I love the formulas I’ve shared with you.

For this month, I still have some questions to answer and a duplication to share, which should appear today and tomorrow if all goes well and my body plays nice with me…

I have a series on silicones I’ve been trying to write for 18 months now, and I need to get that started before I can share the duplications for a few primers and that Frxxxtion exfoliating stick. Part of the issue is bringing more than 100 pages of research, reading, and experimentation together in a logical way that’s easy to follow. (I think I have the framework in place, so now it’s about fleshing everything out.) The other part of the issue is having time to write it when there are so many other things to do.

It would have been my mom’s birthday on Saturday, so we’re taking the day off to honour her and have a proper British dinner with roast beef, roasty potatoes, Yorkshire pudding, and more. And I’m teaching a sold out conditioner bars class on Sunday at Voyageur.

How do you manage a work-life balance? How do you take time to relax? I’d love to hear your thoughts, suggestions, and more in the comments!

As always, thanks for supporting the blog this month!