Equipment: Let’s meet my immersion blender with homogenizer attachment – the Dynamic Minipro mixer!

Woo! That was a great Zoom workshop we had on Sunday, January 17, 2021, on shear mixers, like immersion blenders and homogenizers, so I thought it was time to introduce you to my immersion blender with homogenizer attachment called the Dynamic Minipro Mixer! Please note, this isn’t an ad or sponsored content, and doesn’t contain...

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Everything you wanted to know about mixers, but were afraid or forgot to ask! (Updated January 20, 2021)

Wow, that was a fun Zoom workshop on Sunday, January 17, 2021 on mixers! Thanks to those of you who attended! I had a blast! I thought I’d go through some of the questions you posed yesterday with some more information and links. I have to say how much I love the chat, I see...

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