Where to start learning how to create your own products, and a download for $3+ subscribers

It seems like a lot of you want to learn how to formulate your own products, which is awesome! This is why we created the Beginners! Start here section of the blog, which is filled with everything you need to know to start making your own stuff, including lotions, body butters, conditioners, and so so much more!

I shared this post with loads of links earlier this month – Back to Basics: Making your first lotion – and that’s a great place to start if you want to learn how to make lotions, body butters, creams, and more!

If you’re a $3 subscriber or higher, click the link below to download my general formulating notes to get you started. Learn what I consider the basics of creating your own products, including information about how to convert formulas from % to grams, how to re-constitute 100x or 200x aloe vera, a summary about anti-oxidants and preservatives, a bit about INCI names, and more.

Click here to download the notes: general-formulating-notes-from-SwiftCraftyMonkey

If you’re excited about creating your own products and you’re feeling a bit stuck, I’d love to hear what’s happening for you and what we can do to get you into your workshop! Please share your thoughts in the comments!