Q&A: Using liposomes and Penstia powder together in a formula?

In this month’s Q&A, Jaime asked, Hello. I find formulas that I make with Sepimax ZEN and Sepinov EMT 10 to be a bit sticky. I am wanting to add penstia powder to help but it states it requires high shear. My concern is the formula has Fision Hydrate and Liposomes which don’t like high...

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Creating a super-cooling hydrating glacial facial gel with Fision® Hydrate and Ceramide Complex (part two, the formula)

Welcome back! Today, we’re looking at the formula for a super-cooling, hydrating, glacial facial gel with Fision® Hydrate and Ceramide Complex! We took a look at the ingredients we’re using and chose our preservatives thanks to the huge preservative comparison chart yesterday – click here for part one of this two part series – so...

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Creating a super-cooling hydrating glacial facial gel with Fision® Hydrate and Ceramide Complex (part one, the ingredients)

I absolutely love using gels to create interesting new facial products that don’t contain a ton of oils that I can use on its own at the end of a very long mask-wearing day on its own or as part of a facial, eye, or “monkey line” sheet mask to soothe my very angry, rosacea-prone...

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